Meet Jennifer- a mother of 3 who began this business four years ago for extra money and turned it into a leading cleaning company in the Seacoast area. She aims to make a difference in people's daily lives by taking over the chores no one has the time or energy to do. Jennifer's passion and drive have turned her part-time gig into a flourishing business throughout the Seacoast. 

Meet The Founder

The journey of Clean Slate Cleaning Co.


Our founder, Jennifer, began Clean Slate as a single mother to supplement her income by cleaning a couple of vacation rentals in York, ME.



Through word of mouth, an impeccable reputation, and a love for cleaning- Clean Slate started to take on a life of its own and thrive even during a pandemic.


Clean Slate now has three teams and over 200 recurring and seasonal clients spanning from Hampton, NH, to Kennebunkport, ME.

Clean Slate is now a leading cleaning company in the Seacoast area, growing daily! 

Jennifer decided to leave her career as a medical assistant and take Clean Slate to the next level- hiring her first two employees and providing cleaning services for over 50 vacation rentals and residential clients.